The Pet industry has experienced rapid growth during the past several years, despite fluctuations in the broader economy. There are a number of reasons for this, including the fact that the Millennial Generation have made their pets more of a priority, and because of this, they’ve spent more on their pets than previous generations have. As a result of this growth in the Pet industry, companies and organizations within the industry have been consistently hiring and looking for top candidates to fill their open positions.

Since candidates overall—and top candidates in particular—have been difficult to both find and hire in this environment, some employers have opted to utilize Pet industry executive search services to help identify and hire the best candidates available in the employment marketplace. TVR Executive Search has a combined 30 years of experience handling executive search and recruiting in the Pet industry, and we can put that experience and the expertise that we’ve accumulated during that time to work for your organization.

The Pet industry is as close to recession proof as an industry can get. That’s because the general populace spends money on their pets regardless of what is happening in the employment marketplace and the larger economy. During good economic times, of course, people have money to spend on their pets. Then, on the other end of the spectrum, when there is a recession or during down economic times, people will consciously make the decision to sacrifice in other areas of their personal lives to make sure their pets have what they need. One of the main reasons for this stems from the fact that many people consider their pets to be an extension of their family, if not an outright member of their family.

For more information about TVR Executive Search’s Pet Industry executive search services, you can contact us by calling (800) 436-0490 or click here to submit your information to request a consultation and a quote for our services.


The segments of Pet Industry executive search

The Pet industry includes all businesses that generate revenue by providing products and services for people’s pets. It is a considerably large industry, and one that many market experts view as essential, due in large part to the aforementioned fact that the industry is almost recession proof. The Pet industry consists of many segments, all of which contribute to the growth of the industry overall. These segments are Pet Food, Pet Care, Pet Products/Pet Supplies, and Pet Tech. TVR Executive Search provides Pet industry executive search services within all of these areas, identifying and recruiting top candidates for our clients’ most important and urgent job openings.


Pet Food

Obviously, this is a key segment in the Pet industry. After all, all pets and companion animals need to be fed, and as a result, there is a need for different types of food, as well as different qualities. For example, there are different types of food simply because there are different types of animals. In addition, animals and pets require different food depending upon their stage of life or other factors. And much like there is a natural food market for people, there is also an emerging natural food market for pets, one which contains foods made entirely of natural products and which do not contain potentially harmful additives.


Pet Care

One of the biggest segments in the Pet industry is Pet Care, or pet-oriented healthcare. There are many aspects to the Pet Care segment, including Veterinary services and medication for animal health problems. However, it goes beyond just treatment. There are also preventative products and services that are developed to help keep pets from contracting diseases and/or falling ill in the first place.


Pet Products/Supplies

Supplies and products for pets fall into two distinct categories: those that are essential and those that are considered luxuries. Essential items are any that animals needs for their daily survival or to maintain an acceptable standard of living, such as a cage or an aquarium or even a dog bed. Just as there is a growing market for all-natural pet food, there is also a growing market for luxury items for pets, which includes (but is not limited to) clothes for animals, spa treatments, and even “pet hotels.” There are new markets emerging around the Pet Industry and its many segments all the time, and luxury products and services for pets is a prime example of this.


Pet Tech

Pet Tech is one of the hottest and fastest-growing segments of the Pet industry. This segment involves companies and organizations that use technology-abled solutions to serve pet owners. A large part of this segment deals with products that are designed to keep pets safe and/or healthy, including Veterinary care apps for owner’s smartphones, GPS-enabled collars for knowing where the animals are at all times, and even cameras and video surveillance for the same purpose.

As you can see, there are various segments in the Pet Industry, and TVR Executive Search provide exceptional Pet Industry executive search services for all of these segments. We specialize in the identification and recruitment of top candidates for our clients’ most important and critical job openings.

We look forward to hearing about your search needs and how we can meet those needs. For more information about TVR Executive Search’s Pet Industry executive search services, you can contact us by calling (800) 436-0490 or click here to submit your information to request a consultation and a quote for our services.


Your expert for Pet Industry executive search services

TVR Executive Search has extensive experience in all segments of the Pet Industry. We leverage the expertise that we’ve gained over two decades of providing exceptional Pet Industry executive search services. These are more than just claims, however. We have one of the best track records of success in the Pet Industry, a track record built upon consistently providing the highest level of results to our clients in the form of the most talented professionals in the employment marketplace. As evidence of this, we have client testimonials detailing the attention that we give to their searches and the fact that we strive to not just meet their expectations, but consistently exceed them.

We invite you to learn more about TVR Executive Search and the Animal Health executive search and CEO search services that we offer. You can contact us by calling (800) 436-0490 or click here to submit your information to request a consultation and a quote for our services.