TVR Executive Search is the leader in Animal Health executive search, with nearly 30 years of combined experience in executive search within the industry. That experience helps us consistently find the most talented and accomplished executives in the marketplace to fill our clients’ most important and urgent high-level job openings.

Our experience and track record comprise just one reason why TVR Executive Search is the leading Animal Health executive search firm operating today. Another reason is that TVR Executive Search is both a workplace and workforce expert regarding the Animal Health industry, especially regarding the top executives working and operating in the employment marketplace. We have extensive knowledge of both what is happening within individual Animal Health organizations and also about current trends occurring within the industry overall.

Our knowledge is a result of our tireless efforts working on the front lines of the employment marketplace on a daily basis, speaking with top talent and discussing their professional needs and the goals that they have for their careers. In addition to allowing us to “keep our finger on the pulse” of Animal Health companies, our engagement of top candidates keeps us apprised of trends as they are happening. We incorporate this information into our Animal Health executive search services in the pursuit of continuously providing exemplary results.

Our combination of knowledge about the workplace and workforce and expertise regarding the industry allows us to provide value-rich Animal Health executive search services to our clients and consistently exceed their expectations by presenting the highest caliber executive candidates for their open positions.

For more information about TVR Executive Search’s Animal Health executive search services, you can contact us by calling (800) 436-0490 or click here to submit your information to request a consultation and a quote for our services.


Animal Health executive search in this current market

The identification, recruitment, and hiring of top executives in the Animal Health industry is extraordinary difficult in current market conditions. This is because there is a lack of candidates in the market in relation to the open positions that Animal Health companies and organizations are attempting to fill. This is regardless of the economic conditions that exist in the marketplace at any given time.

During good economic times, top executive candidates that are open to considering and exploring other employment opportunities typically have many options from which to choose. Since that is the case, it is more difficult to engage these candidates, recruit them, and successfully hire them. On the other hand, during down economic times, the number of top executive candidates in the Animal Health industry is the same as it was during good economic times. In addition, due to the prevailing conditions that exist in the marketplace, these candidates are less likely to both consider and explore other employment opportunities. There are two reasons for this. First, since they are top candidates, their employers are likely doing everything in their power to retain these professionals as employers. Second, because of the recessionary economy, they are less prone to making a move in terms of their career.

Because of this reality, companies and organizations must be proactive in their efforts to find and identify top talent. A reactive approach to hiring is counter-productive and rarely results in achieving the desired results. That’s because identifying and finding top executive candidates is only the first step in the process. These top candidates must also be actively recruited to both consider and then explore other employment opportunities. As a result, it can require a tremendous amount of time, energy, and effort for an organization to hire the type of candidates it wants to hire. This is why using Animal Health executive search services is a strategic move that can give you a competitive advantage over other organizations in the marketplace.

As a workforce and workplace expert, TVR Executive Search utilizes both its expertise and experience to identify and recruit the top executive candidates in the marketplace. And we incorporate a time-tested Animal Health executive search process to present and deliver these candidates to our clients.

We would love to hear about your Animal Health executive search needs and how we can meet those needs. For more information about TVR Executive Search’s services, you can contact us by calling (800) 436-0490 or click here to submit your information to request a consultation and a quote for our services.


Our Animal Health executive search process

The heart of TVR Executive Search’s Animal Health executive search services is our recruiting process, which operates with one goal in mind: to identify, recruit, and present high-caliber executive talent to our clients. The success of our process is predicated upon two key components: communication and timing.

We at TVR Executive Search know that communication is central to success during the recruiting and hiring process. Miscommunication or a lack of communication between an employer and top candidates can derail the process and even damage the employer brand of the organization if the candidates get the wrong impression as a result of what they perceive to be a negative experience with the organization.

Not only must all parties involved communicate consistently, but they must also communicate quickly to ensure an expedient transfer of information. This is where timing enters the picture in terms of the Animal Health executive search process. The more quickly and effectively that the correct information is communicated, the more quickly that an Animal Health organization can hire top executive candidates.

At TVR Executive Search, we make it a top priority to keep our clients as informed as possible throughout the entire process, ensuring that our clients not only have the correct information, but that they also have it when they need it. As a result, they can leverage that information to their advantage and make the best decision for their organization. Overall, the hallmark of our Animal Health executive search process is its thoroughness. We exercise a high level of focus and attention to detail in our quest to exceed our clients’ expectations.

Below is a breakdown and description of the TVR Executive Search’s search process:

  • Coordinate the client’s job description for their open position.
  • Interview the hiring manager for clarification of the client’s specific needs for the position.
  • Conduct research to locate the most logical talent pool of candidates.
  • Source the talent pool of candidates to more accurately narrow our search results.
  • Conduct telephone interviews to qualify candidates in accordance with the job description and qualifications.
  • Comprise a list of potential finalists by excluding the unqualified and underqualified candidates.
  • Conduct in-depth interviews with the potential finalists, including video and/or virtual interviews.
  • Conduct reference checks on finalists, if the client requests that we do so. In many cases, our clients prefer to conduct their own reference checks.
  • Comprise the short list of finalists and then arrange and coordinate the interview schedule between the finalists and the client.
  • Prepare the finalists for the position for their interview by counseling them regarding the needs of the employer, the company culture of the organization, the hiring authority, etc.
  • Debrief candidates after each interview, asking them about the details of the interview and answering any questions they might have about the next steps in the process.
  • Debrief the hiring manager after each interview, asking them about the details of the interview and discussing the candidate’s strengths, weaknesses, compatibilities, incompatibilities, etc.
  • Coordinate with the hiring manager if an offer of employment is to be made to one of the candidates and collect the information necessary for negotiating an acceptable offer.
  • Identify and reconcile any differences with the client’s top candidate in order to smooth the way for an acceptance of the offer.
  • Once the candidate has accepted the client’s offer, assist the candidate in cleanly terminating their current employment.
  • Work to assist in successful placement of the candidate’s spouse, if necessary.
  • Follow up after the placement to ensure that the employee has integrated into the organization.

At TVR Executive Search, we closely partner with our clients during every stage of this process to ensure that we provide a high level of service and also exceed their expectations in the recruiting and presentation of top executive candidates.


Animal Health Executive Search – Retained Search Services

TVR Executive Search offers Animal Health executive search services on a retained basis. This means that we are capable of filling your most urgent and critical roles in a confidential fashion. In addition, we will work closely with your organization exclusively to find the right candidate.

TVR Executive Search specializes in identifying, engaging, and recruiting top candidates in the following functions:

  • Board of Director positions
  • Advisory Board positions
  • Executive management positions
  • C-suite positions

We invite you to learn more about TVR Executive Search and the Animal Health executive search services that we offer. You can contact us by calling (800) 436-0490 or click here to submit your information to request a consultation and a quote for our services.