No other segment of the Pet Industry is as recent or is developing as quickly as the Pet Tech segment. That’s because Pet Technology—its existence and its growth—is only as recent as the advent of technology and Digital Age within our society. However, as quickly as technology grows and evolves, the same is true for the Pet Tech segment of the Pet Industry. Technology has become ingrained into every part of our lives, both our personal lives and our professional lives, and this certainly applies to people’s pets and their companion animals. People use technology to take care of their pets more now than they ever have—and as technology continues to grow and evolve, this is not a trend that will be reversing itself in the near future.

There are two sides to the Pet Tech segment of the Pet Industry: the consumer side and the business-to-business side. The consumer side involves a wide range of products, everything from mobile pet apps for smartphones to online pet services. On the business-to-business side, it involves both computer software and hardware, as well as equipment for Pet Care and the Veterinary profession. Pet Tech is based largely on the accumulation of information regarding what is happening with pets and companion animals on a daily basis. Armed with this information, pet owners and consumers can make more informed choices regarding the decisions they make about their pets.

The driving force behind Pet Tech is the goal of making pet ownership a more rewarding experience—for both the pets and the pet owners. The better the experience, the more that people will invest in their pets, which means the more they will spend in the pursuit of an even more rewarding experience. This helps to explain the growth of the Pet Tech segment of the Pet Industry, and that steady growth is one of the reasons why companies and organizations are in need of talented executive-level professionals to help them meet this growing demand in the marketplace. New Pet Tech products and services are being created all the time, and as a result, new employees are needed to help provide these products and services to a public that is increasingly hungry for them.

TVR Executive Search is uniquely positioned in terms of Pet Tech executive search services, helping companies and organizations find, recruit, and hire the executive-level talent they need. We have nearly 30 years of combined experience working in the employment marketplace and establishing relationships with some of the top candidates working in the Pet Industry, including within the Pet Tech segment of that industry. Consequently, we are in a position to counsel these professionals about their career, especially the next step they should take in their career so they can enjoy the most growth and professional satisfaction possible. In light of the talent shortage and the hiring challenges that exist in Pet Tech, TVR Executive Search is prepared to use our vast network of connections and relationships to help your company or organization hire the best talent so that you can leverage that talent to beat your competition.

For more information about TVR Executive Search’s Pet Tech executive search services, you can contact us by calling (800) 436-0490 or click here to submit your information to request a consultation and a quote for our services.


Different categories of Pet Tech executive search services

As there are different categories in other segments of the Pet Industry, there are also different categories within Pet Tech executive search. These categories start with those deemed to be necessities, at least in terms of health and well-being, to those that are considered non-essential, or at the very least, are considered luxuries. The four main categories of Pet Tech products and/or services include the following:


#1—Health care

The best way to approach the health of one’s pet is in a proactive fashion, and Pet Tech helps tremendously in that area. That’s because it allows pet owners to monitor their pet’s health in real-time and also provide more accurate information to their companion animal’s veterinarian.



Safety is right behind health in order of importance for pet owners, since companion animals have a way of hurting or injuring themselves. Pet Tech products help these owners keep their pets safe and out of harm’s way as much as possible.



While millions of people enjoy being pet owners, it is often not convenience, especially considering the other demands of our daily lives. With the help of Pet Tech products and services, people are better able to perform daily duties associated with being a pet owners, which in turn provides them with a better experience.



This is the category that is generally deemed to be a luxury and not a necessity, although that does depend on the pet owner who is making the purchasing decision. Considering the current circumstances regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, people are placing a higher premium on entertainment, including for their pets.

At TVR Executive Search, we are very familiar with all aspects of Pet Tech executive search, including the various categories within it. We understand the needs of employers in terms of the professionals they want to hire, and we partner closely with them to identify their specific needs for each position, as well as their needs in terms of the organization overall. It is our goal to find and recruit the top Pet Tech executive talent in the marketplace for the purpose of filling our clients’ most important and high-level job openings. Experience has taught us that every organization is different and every search is different, and that is especially the case for executive searches, including CEO searches and those in the C-suite.

TVR Executive Search has not only the expertise and the experience to help your organization find and recruit top-level executive talent in the Pet Tech segment, but we also have a stellar track record of connecting with the most desired candidates in the employment marketplace. We are confident that we can help your company with its personnel needs, especially those that deal with the leadership of your organization. After all, there is nothing more important in terms of hiring than hiring the right leaders. They set the course and the goals for the future and they are responsible for doing what is necessary to achieve those goals.

We invite you to learn more about TVR Executive Search and the Pet Tech executive search services that we offer. You can contact us by calling (800) 436-0490 or click here to submit your information to request a consultation and a quote for our services.